Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Another Fun Day!

Our friends came with us today on our walk and to the park and we had lots of fun!

After our walk, we went to the library for story time.  We got there late, so we missed the singing time and story-book reading, but the girls really enjoyed making home-made maracas (rice in a paper bag that they got to color).  :)

Then we went to the Commissary.  I wanted to make some more Chickpea Chocolate Chip Cookies and needed more chocolate chips.  The first thing we did when we arrived at the store was go to the bakery.  Heather told me that they give free cookies to children, so the girls got a treat and Mommy got peace and quiet during our short shopping trip:

Back home, we had lunch and Odette had a nap, and when Daddy got home, he set up the sprinkler underneath the trampoline and he and Alegria cooled off like that:

Odette was NOT a fan:

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly and now it's bedtime.

Have a great night everyone!!!  :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sisterly Love

As usual, we went on our walk and to the park this morning.  That was fun, as always:

Then we went to Walmart.  My Magic Bullet recently died and since smoothies are part of my everyday life and it had already been a few days since I'd had one and was going through withdrawals, I really needed to buy one.  This time I bought the 4-year warranty along with it.  We also bought a new bathing suit for Alegria.

Once home and after lunch and a nap for Odette, both girls decided it was too hot for clothes, stripped down, and continued playing:

Later on we enjoyed some time outside on the trampoline.  At one point, we all laid down and gazed up at the clouds.  Alegria told me this one looked like My Little Pony:

Sweet sisterly love:

And that was our Tuesday.

Good night!  :)

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