Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dress Up Drama!

On our walk this morning, Alegria decided she actually wanted to walk for a bit instead of just riding her bike:

She picked some tiny wild flowers on the way:

And we checked out some roly polies:

Then we came home so that I could get ready and we could go to Playgroup!

Today we went to Allie's house. We had a delicious lunch and the kids had a fun time playing. As an added bonus, Amanda brought over some of Lacey's costumes and we had a blast getting the kids dressed up for a photo shoot!!! :)

At first, Alegria was having NONE of it!

Luckily, I was finally able to get her to cooperate and she made a very cute bunny!

Lacey was a purple cat:

Lee was a lobster, and Quinn was a baby chicken:

Even Mollie got in on the action!

Playing in Lee's little red wagon:

Quinn was playing with Alegria's hairband, so Kerri decided to put it on him to see how a little sister of his would look like!

Quinn: "Oh, the torture!"

It's agreed! She would be OH SO CUTE! :)

Back home and after a much-needed nap, we were all in a good mood for when Daddy got home from work. Here's Alegria trying on his helmet:

That sums up our day!

Have a good night!!! :)

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