Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Toddler Bed!

We didn't do much this morning, but in the afternoon, we went outside so that Alegria could play in her pool. Daddy decided to splash me, so Alegria tried to do it, too!

It's a good thing she wasn't quite successful at it or the camera would have gotten all wet!

Here she is signing for Daddy to do it "again:"

We don't mind Alegria drinking from the little fountain, but once she starts drinking out of the pool itself, that's when we have to start telling her over and over again to not drink the water! Not only does she climb out and in and therefore drag grass and dirt into the water...

...but Isis also tries to drink the water and so there's dog drool in it, too! YUCK!!!

After dinner, Daddy transformed Alegria's crib into a toddler bed...with Alegria's help, of course! She has to be foreman for any and all construction around here and supervise to make sure it gets done right!

Do we have your approval, Miss Foreman Alegria?

She loves it!

A little too much, maybe?

One little monkey, jumping on the bed...

Alegria: "Thank you, Daddy, for bringing me one step closer to being more independent!" :)

And that was our day! It will be interesting to see how Alegria does with her new toddler bed tonight! Will she get out of it as soon as we put her down for the night and play and fall asleep on the floor or in the rocking chair? Will she wake up in the middle of the night and get out of bed and play? Will she stay in bed but in the morning wake up and get her toys and play (and entertain herself, thus giving me extra time to sleep)? We shall see!!!

Good night everyone!!! :)

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