Friday, May 29, 2009

Swimming Sweetie

Today sure was a fun day! In the morning, Cameron transformed his Optimus Prime into truck form to show Alegria. She had other plans for Optimus than to push him around, so we kept a close eye on her.

While she was inspecting Optimus, I decided to take a picture of her crown swirl. I think it's so cute!

Then Cameron went out to stain some more of the fence. Alegria and I followed shortly after to watch him for a short while. Here's Alegria standing at the fence near her daddy.

She inspected the grass a little.

But she found it more funny looking than anything.

Here she is at a different part of the fence, inspecting it for weak boards.

She also tested the grass in this area as got a worse rating than the first.

After Alegria's morning nap, we all got ready to go onto Fort Hood to the Patton Pool. Here's Alegria kissing her reflection in the stove.

The Patton Pool was nice. It was pretty empty, too. I'm guessing that was because we were there at 1 pm on a week day.

After Alegria had her sunblock on, it was time to get in the pool. At first, she didn't like it...

By the end of our stay, though, Alegria was LOVING it!!! You can't tell from these pictures that she was having a fun time...

But you can sure tell from this video!

I can't wait for us to go again!

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