Friday, July 10, 2009

Amateur Pro?

Today we went to the front yard in the morning and enjoyed playing in the shade, having the cool breeze blow on us. It was yummy! :) Alegria, though, did NOT like crawling on the grass and proceeded to do the bear crawl so that her knees wouldn't touch.

When I saw how green the grass was, I decided to try the color accent feature on my camera:

I LIKE it!!! :)

I asked Abilehi to pose:

Aw! Tender! :)

Alegria: "Oh, woe is me!"

WOWZAH!!! Love the blue!

Alegria decided to empty her diaper bag:

And I decided to keep trying out my camera. I may be an amateur now, but who knows? Maybe one day I'll be a pro!

Finally, it was time for Alegria's bath. She loves taking a bath!

Then it was bed time. Now Cameron and I have some time to ourselves!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow you are almost a pro I think. I agree about having a beautiful baby to photograph.


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