Monday, July 27, 2009

Another Ancestral Visit

Today we went to visit the Marlow graves at the old Homestead. While we were there, we had lunch and we went trekking around the area. We found out Alegria wants to be a geologist...she kept picking up rocks! Cameron and his dad also discovered that on the Marlow land there is an area covered with fossilized dinosaur nests! Cameron found a relatively intact fossilized egg that we're going to take home with us. WOW! On our way out, it began raining really hard! We were lucky we left when we did or else we would have gotten stuck out there. Those dirt roads would have been impossible to get through once the rain hit!

Great Grandpa forgot the piece of paper with the padlock's combination, so the men had to rig the screws out of the door for us to get in!

Grandpa and Clayton look out at the collapsed remnants of the old barn:

Alegria's luscious lips...

...PEEK-A-BOO!!! A new tooth is sprouting!

In this picture you can tell Alegria's breakout is getting better. If I had known that me eating a ton of peanuts would have this effect on her, I would have refrained from eating so many! Poor baby!

The storm is brewing...

By the way, since it was open dirt roads and open plains out where the graves are, Cameron held Alegria on his lap and actually let her "drive!"

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