When Cameron came home last night for the two minutes to pick up his gear and then kiss me goodbye again, he suggested I take a short nap and then get up and work on the cake...I had told him how exhausted I was. I was going to do just that...sleep for a couple of hours then wake up at about midnight or 1 am and work on my cake, but after seeing him, for even just those two minutes, it gave me added strength, knowing that he would be up all night as well, so I decided to join him on his all-nighter and just go until I was done. THEN I could nap. Well, I'm glad I didn't sleep first...
At about 2:30 am, I realized that I had mistakenly colored all of the fondant I had orange. I thought there was more fondant left in the box, but I was wrong! And I still needed three more colors of fondant!!! So, knowing that Abilehi had today off from work, I decided that I could text her and ask her for help. I figured she could just sleep in or nap after taking Maverick to the vet. I texted her multiple times and she finally called me back! Boy, was I grateful! She graciously went to WalMart for me and bought me some more findant and icing color and even sat with me and chatted with me for a little while when she dropped off the stuff.
Abilehi, you are a real, honest-to-goodness LIFESAVER!!! Had Cameron been home, I could have gone to WalMart myself, but since he wasn't, I was so lucky that Abilehi lives here so she could bail me out!!! :)
Well, I ended up not sleeping AT ALL last night, but I'm quite happy with the results. The cake came out pretty good, if I do say so myself! In fact, when Abilehi saw it, she thought those were REAL Sharpie markers on the cake!
At about 2:30 am, I realized that I had mistakenly colored all of the fondant I had orange. I thought there was more fondant left in the box, but I was wrong! And I still needed three more colors of fondant!!! So, knowing that Abilehi had today off from work, I decided that I could text her and ask her for help. I figured she could just sleep in or nap after taking Maverick to the vet. I texted her multiple times and she finally called me back! Boy, was I grateful! She graciously went to WalMart for me and bought me some more findant and icing color and even sat with me and chatted with me for a little while when she dropped off the stuff.
Abilehi, you are a real, honest-to-goodness LIFESAVER!!! Had Cameron been home, I could have gone to WalMart myself, but since he wasn't, I was so lucky that Abilehi lives here so she could bail me out!!! :)
Well, I ended up not sleeping AT ALL last night, but I'm quite happy with the results. The cake came out pretty good, if I do say so myself! In fact, when Abilehi saw it, she thought those were REAL Sharpie markers on the cake!
When Abilehi's co-worker showed up to pick up the cake, she was very impressed! She loved the cake and couldn't wait to show up with it to their dinner farewell party. I couldn't wait to hear how the girl who it's for reacted to it! :)
At about 7 pm, Cameron got home and we were able to have dinner together as a family. Then we lay on the couch while Alegria played with some toys in the living room. Both Cameron and I were super exhausted and we dozed off a few times. Then he had to leave to go on guard duty at Fort Hood again. At least we got to see him for an hour today instead of just two minutes!!! :)
Abilehi texted me later to say that her co-worker who's leaving LOVED LOVED LOVED the cake!!! She said everyone there raved about the cake and that another co-worker was also confused about the Sharpie markers on the cake, thinking they were real! Another successful cake story! YAY!!! :)
Well, that's about it. I'm so tired, I need to go to bed. Cameron gets off guard duty at about 4 or 5 in the morning, so it will be nice to wake up next to him again.
Good night!!!
That is AWE-MAZING! You are so talented! But you poor woman! You must be so exhausted with so little sleep.