Monday, September 21, 2009

New Crib!

This was the only decent picture I got of Alegria in my "studio" today...and she isn't even sitting up straight or smiling. :(

Big Bear was much more cooperative. :)

Pretty clouds outside our office window:

Alegria's mattress was delivered today, so Daddy put her crib together during Monday Night Football. Alegria's very excited about the new piece of furniture!

What ARE you doing, child?

While Daddy works on the crib, I put the sheets on the mattress and let Alegria get acquainted with it:

Alegria inspects Daddy's work:

Alegria: "Looks good to me! NOW can I get in?"

Alegria: "THIS is the life!"

Alegria: "Ooo! Roomy!"

All Cameron wanted was to give Alegria a goodnight kiss...

Alegria: "But I don't want to get out!"


Alegria: "Thank you for putting it together, Daddy! I love my new bed!"

We're keeping our fingers crossed that she doesn't wake up too often tonight in her new "environment." :)

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