Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Gaspetti Girl

A good morning read: Daddy's hard-bound Cabela's catalog:

For dinner, we had spaghetti. In the past, I've tried giving Alegria spaghetti whenever Cameron and I have it, but I found out today that she must just not like red sauce. Tonight we had plain spaghetti with just a little butter and salt, and she loved it!

At least...she loved PLAYING with it! :) She did eat more than nothing, though! I guess I should be grateful, too...butter and salt don't stain like red sauce does! :)

Cameron has my camera with him this week. Today he was able to get a video of the SCO firing rounds from a bradley:

He also got a video of rounds being shot from a tank, but Alegria accidentally deleted it. :( Cameron will just have to take the camera again at his next gunnery mission!

Well, that's about it for now.

Have a wonderful night!

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