We went to Quinn's house this morning and then walked (with the babies in their strollers) to the Hood Howdy. The Hood Howdy, for those who don't know, is a sort of career fair/job exposition type event. Lots of organizations/companies set up tables with things to give away and either try to recruit people to work for them (people can hand out resumes) or try to sell their product. The best part was getting all of the free stuff! Amongst other things, we received a beautiful illustrated children's Bible. SCORE! :)
We ended up only staying for about 45 minutes before Kerri and I had to pack the kids back up and into Kerri's car to go attend the Change of Command Ceremony. Luckily, we showed up just in time...one minute before the ceremony started!
The ceremony didn't last too long, but for Alegria it seemed like an eternity...for me as well, since I had to keep her entertained and quiet! I wasn't able to pay attention to much of what was going on because I was either reading to Alegria or searching in her diaper bag to try to get her attention on anything that would keep her quiet!
At the point when the new Commanding Officer (CO) was officially given the reigns of Fox Troop, the Lieutenants switched positions with their sergeants to stand at the head of their platoons. Here is Cameron in front of his platoon, First Platoon (also known as Red Platoon). I wish I had gotten a better picture, but without the flash, it came out very blurry...better dark than blurry, I say!
We ended up only staying for about 45 minutes before Kerri and I had to pack the kids back up and into Kerri's car to go attend the Change of Command Ceremony. Luckily, we showed up just in time...one minute before the ceremony started!
The ceremony didn't last too long, but for Alegria it seemed like an eternity...for me as well, since I had to keep her entertained and quiet! I wasn't able to pay attention to much of what was going on because I was either reading to Alegria or searching in her diaper bag to try to get her attention on anything that would keep her quiet!
At the point when the new Commanding Officer (CO) was officially given the reigns of Fox Troop, the Lieutenants switched positions with their sergeants to stand at the head of their platoons. Here is Cameron in front of his platoon, First Platoon (also known as Red Platoon). I wish I had gotten a better picture, but without the flash, it came out very blurry...better dark than blurry, I say!
Then, since it was Thursday and an early release from work day, when Daddy got home and once Alegria woke up, we went outside to play with Isis.
When we finally came inside, Josh found Alegria's baby doll and wanted to play with it:
Once Josh left, Alegria was getting a little cranky. She's getting her molars in, so we think she's crabby recently because she's in pain. Luckily, I thought to bring out her raspberry pacifier from the freezer and that soothed her. This pacifier is bumpy, so by chewing on it and from being chilled in the freezer, it really helps ease the pain from teething.
Chewing on her binky and wearing a pretend helmet she got from the Hood Howdy:
We finally got her to bed though.
WOW! What a busy yet very fun day! :)
We hope you all sleep well tonight! Good bye!
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