My ulterior motive for taking away the chocolate shake from Alegria yesterday night and "hiding" it in the refrigerator was so that 1.) she wouldn't finish it all and 2.) so that I, myself, could have the rest of it. Well, this morning when she woke up and after she decided to don my hoodie, she asked me for some water...and when we went to the fridge and I gave her a sip of water, she either had eagle eyes and could see my milkshake at the very top shelf or she remembered with the memory of an elephant that last night, that's where I had banished it to. In any case, it ended up being her breakfast:
We were expecting a friend from Montana tonight, so I went about doing the normal cleaning and prepping that comes before having guests over. It so turned out that our shower liner needed replacing, so I was in the process of doing that when I noticed Alegria was attempting to climb into the tub with me. She succeeded...and then proceeded to rearrange everything in there. (Excuse the mess...I hadn't gotten to the cleaning yet when she decided to "help!")
Apparently, though, Big Bear needed to use the potty during our "cleaning," so Alegria very graciously let him use her potty to do his business:
...but who wants to test her limits:
Finally done in the bathroom after scrubbing everything, sweeping, and vacuuming, we head out to the living room to relax and play:
When we arrived, Sarah asked if I wanted to let Alegria stay with the nursery-aged children (which she was supervising). Since Alegria's still not of nursery age (18 months - 3 years), I was a little hesitant, but when Sarah insisted, I decided to give it a go, telling her I wasn't sure Alegria would actually be cooperative and stay with the group and that if she had any trouble, to come get me.
I had no need to worry. The night went well. :)
This is a poster that Shailey's mom drew for a "pin the star over the manger" game:
Daddy had ordered a pizza, so we warmed a couple of pieces up and had that for dinner. Up to now, when we've had pizza, I've fed it to Alegria myself, but after her success interacting with the nursery kids, Alegria's confidence was boosted and she decided she wanted to feed herself the pizza:
Your daughter is adorable! she is very entertaining.