Monday, November 28, 2011

Decorating for Christmas!

It was an uneventful morning. 

After lunch, the girls played nicely together for a little while:

Then I put Odette to bed...and learned yet AGAIN that I must not leave my makeup bag out...when will I really learn?!  :oP

Here's Alegria posing for the camera wearing "Mommy makeup!"

After we got her cleaned up, I had Alegria practice writing her name:

At first she started to write dots, just like I'd done:

So I had to trace her "dotted" name once first to show her how.  Then she got the hang of it:

Odette finally woke up and after I had her diaper changed, she went over to Alegria's room to find something to play with (because she apparently doesn't have enough toys in her own room!)...and came back with Woody.  She pulled on his pull-string...

...and loved that he talked to her!

Alegria will not like that Odette likes and wants to play with Woody...

As we played in Odette's room, I caught a video of Alegria singing "5 Little Monkeys" and making her little Cookie Monster toy "jump" on the "bed" (she was using the diaper genie as the bed!  Lol!).  SOOO cute!

Then we moved on over to Alegria's room and played:

At dinner, Odette gave herself a real cool 'do' using applesauce as her hair gel:

And then it was finally time to start decorating for Christmas!  YAY!!!  :)

All smiles!!!

After looking at our ornaments, we decided that they were too old and worn to be used, so we left our tree "bare" (except for a few 3rd ACR ones and Cameron's and my "First Christmas" ornament) for the time being.  We'll have to go buy new ornaments some other day to decorate our tree with. 

The decorating done, the now-empty boxes had to be put away!  Or WERE they empty...?

Alegria loves looking at Baby Jesus:

Daddy and his two dear daughters:

Once the girls were in bed, I put together one last decoration...the table centerpiece:

Our Christmas decor is simple, but our Christmas spirit is rich.

Good night everyone!!!

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