Alegria had a "wet" accident yesterday because she was too busy watching TV to go to the potty, so I told her that today she would not be allowed to watch TV at all and that we would have to revert back to taking her to the potty on a schedule since she gets too engrossed in what she's doing to go on her ended up being a very fun day and the TV was not missed!!!
We got up and went on our walk. The new stroller was AWESOME!!! I had read a lot of reviews of it and some people said that it felt like a workout pushing the stroller (what do you expect with two children and a large stroller, people?!)...I, however, found it to be easy compared to what I was doing before! In fact, I cut my walk time by ten minutes! Other people wrote that it was difficult to maneuver on turns...I, however, found it quite easy, too! No problems there! The only problem was that this morning it was extremely windy and I had not bundled the girls up enough on our walk, so they were a little cold...I will have to prepare better for our walk tomorrow, but aside from that, pushing that new stroller with the girls was a dream!
On other news, Cameron went on a "Thunder Ride" this morning. He and other soldiers from the 3rd Corps joined up for a two-hour ride on their motorcycles to promote motorcycle awareness.
When he got home, he was chilled to the bone and hunkered under his Giants blanket to get warm:
Is there someone else under there, too...?
Oh my goodness! It's Alegria!!!
Daddy had to go back to work, so the girls and I just played in Odette's room:
An hour later, we were surprised to hear Daddy arriving back home! He got straight to working on his truck again and the girls wanted to help:
Then Odette got disinterested and instead wanted to try to ride Alegria's tricycle:
She got upset when I got tired of pushing her around since she couldn't reach the pedals herself and told her that it was time to put the tricycle away:
Finally we had dinner and then had a family game night! We played "Memory" (Alegria's quite good at that game!):
Built a race track with blocks:
And just plain had fun!
We also danced and Daddy chased Odette and we had fun watching her run away from Daddy, but my video function is still not working, so unfortunately, there is no evidence of that part of our fun tonight!
At the end of the night, we made clean-up fun and made putting the blocks away into a shooting baskets game...Alegria did really well at that!
Finally we rounded the girls up and took them to their rooms to get into their pajamas...but Alegria beat us to her room and snuggled up with her toys on her bed...she almost looks like she belongs there, like a cute little doll on her bed right along with her stuffed animals!
And that was our very fun day with no TV involved! I think we'll have to make this a weekly thing...! :)
Good night everyone!!!
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