Just some pretty clouds I saw today:
Since I'd never worked so extensively with fondant, it sure took me a while to put it all together. It was like playing with play-doh, but having to do it fast (enough) so that it wouldn't dry out. Most of all, the cake took time. I worked on the cake while Alegria and Jace would nap in the afternoons, and then last night after Alegria went to bed, I again worked on the cake, finishing at 4am! Then during Alegria's and Jace's nap today, I secured all of the pieces together on the cake and added a compact and key, which wasn't in my original plan. Anyway. :) Everything on this cake is edible, except for the string holding the "pearl" necklace together:
Then we played in her bedroom for a while. She LOVES to play on the rocking chair. Because she's still a little too short to climb up it herself, I taught her how to use her empty shape sorter as a step stool to get up. She sure is proud of herself now, every time she gets up on her own!
Now this one's funny... Not long ago, I bought Alegria a book called "Are You Ticklish?" In it, there are some rhymes and pictures of animals and a piece of each animal on the different pages has realistic "fur" or "skin" and when I used to read it to her, at the end of the rhyme when it asks if that animal is ticklish, it then says that yes, that animal is ticklish...and I would "tickle" the animal and say at the same time, "Tickle, tickle, tickle!" Well, here's Alegria's rendition of the same:
Tonight for dinner I made Alegria some scrambled eggs. I finally got her to eat scrambled eggs a couple of days ago...however, she'll only eat them if they're covered in cheese! My little mouse! Oh well! At least it's a change from her staple of shells and cheese and bologna!
On our way home from Post today, we picked up the mail. I made the mistake of opening a package addressed to Alegria right before she brushed her teeth. In it, there was a Halloween card and a Halloween book from Grandma and Grandpa Marlow. Well, she had a FIT when I wouldn't let her have it until she brushed her teeth, so brushing her teeth was quite the task today...usually she loves to brush her teeth! Finally, we got that done, though, and here Alegria is enjoying her new book (kissing it, too!):
Now she's ready to go to bed:
Now I'm off to bed...
Good night!!! :)
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