Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fun Times!!!

I knew today was going to be busy...I just didn't know HOW busy!  I'm so glad we had a lazy day yesterday to prep for today!!!

This morning we got up and started to get ready.  I had Odette all dressed cute and representing for Daddy, and then we went to Alegria's room to get Alegria dressed for the day.  While I did that, Odette just hung out on Alegria's bed:

BUUUT...after talking to Cameron, I was about to get Odette into her car seat, when I noticed she'd had a blowout!  So...we had to do the whole dressing up all over again for a load of laundry...

We finally did get out the door.

We showed up about an hour late to playgroup at Kerri's house...just in time for lunch!  Kerri had made a DELICIOUS chicken noodle soup!  YUM!  It hit the spot!  Let me tell you...ever since Cameron's been gone, I have NOT cooked a real meal and that soup was SOOO good!  She'd also made yummy cupcakes!  Alegria preferred her shells and cheese...but she sure loved the cupcake she had!

Once everyone was fed and happy, the kids just played.  Alegria was playing with a dinosaur...

...and tried giving it to Odette for Odette to play with it, too!

Alegria was being a bully to Mollie today, unfortunately.  :(  She kept taking Mollie's toys and yelled at her a couple of times...for which I had to reprimand her...but that finally made her stop, thank goodness!

Lacey and Lee fighting over a toy:

Alegria and Lee fighting over dinosaur toys and Lee making a dinosaur growling sound:

Lacey pulling her ponytail out...

...and then wanting to put it in Quinn's hair!

Miss Mollie!

At about 2, we all finally parted ways.  As I was herding Alegria outside with me, she got distracted and went to go sit on Quinn's porch chair.  Odette was sleeping, so I decided to put her in first, and then go get Alegria.  We were parked behind Allie, though, and Allie only has Lee right now, so she was done and ready to leave before me...  This whole time, I'd been calling out to Alegria to come here so we could go, but she was too enthralled with Quinn's chair, so I decided to just back out and pull up along the curb and then go physically get Alegria and bring her to the car. soon as she saw the car backing out, Alegria RAN towards it, tears streaming down her face and screaming "Mommy!"  I felt bad that she thought I was going to leave her!  I didn't think she'd notice me backing out!  So I picked her up, reassured her, and then to get her happy again, asked where Baby Elphy was so that she would concentrate on her favorite toy...but then I realized she didn't have it...and I didn't remember packing in the diaper bag, either!

So we went back in the house and with Kerri's help, searched for Baby Elphy.  We couldn't find her, so I decided she must be in the diaper bag somewhere or even in Odette's car seat.  We went back to the car and I looked for Baby Elphy as best I could in Odette's car seat without waking Odette up, but I couldn't find her, so I told Alegria she'd just have to be happy with only Big Bear.  I wanted to go home already and decided I'd dump all the contents out of the diaper bag at home...and I was sure I'd find Baby Elphy at that time.

Both girls fell asleep on the ride home.  As soon as we got home, I put Alegria to bed...but Odette woke up and looked like she was ready to keep being up!  I was so tired, though, so I laid in bed with her and nursed her...and thank goodness that put her back to sleep!  So I was able to sleep some too...

At 4:15, I heard Alegria on her monitor, so I went to go get her and we came back to my room.  We took a few pictures of Odette sleeping...and I'm glad that the flash woke Odette up because by then it was 4:30 and I didn't want her sleeping any later so that she would want to go to bed at a reasonable hour!

Waking up from her nap:

Stretching feels sooo good!

Apparently, Alegria thought Odette needed to keep sleeping, because she tried bundling her up again to get her comfy to go back to sleep!


So...this morning as I was talking to Cameron, I noticed Alegria standing by the foot of our bed with her mouth on the footboard.  I thought nothing of it until a little later...I was walking to this side of the bed as I was making it...and I saw gnaw marks on the footboard!!!  ARG!!!  This is why we can't have nice things!!!

Anyway.  I had texted Kerri asking if she'd looked in Quinn's riding toy for Baby she did...and there she was!  So we drove back to Kerri's house on post to get Baby Elphy.

The happy reunion:

Well, by the time we got home after picking Baby Elphy up, there were only about 30 minutes left before we had to head back out I made an executive decision and made the girls wait in the car in the closed garage for a minute while I ran inside the house, grabbed a bagel, and then came back out to eat it in the car.  Alegria had a couple of granola bars (her choice!), and then I hopped in the back seat and nursed Odette.  We listened to Elmo songs and tickled each other and laughed and had a grand ol' time, waiting for the minutes to pass!

I tried to take pictures to commemorate our fun time, but Alegria didn't want to have her picture take...go figure!

Odette didn't really care.  :)

That's much better, Alegria!!!  Thank you!  :)

Even Odette did better at pictures by the end!  :)

Alegria putting Baby Elphy in my sash...!

Finally, it was time to go.  We went to church for the monthly Relief Society activity.  Childcare was provided, so I dropped Alegria off in the nursery and took Odette with me to the Relief Society room.  Odette started getting fussy, though, and I knew it was because it was getting close to her I took her to the Mother's Room, where she nursed a little bit and then I just had some quiet time with just her and me.  That calmed her down and she was her happy self again.

We went back to the activity and were able to learn a few tips on scripture study and Family Home Evening and how to make those more fun for children of all ages.  :)

At the end of the activity, I got Alegria from the nursery and we came home.

Once home, Alegria asked to watch "Mee-mer" (her way of saying "Mermaid" for "The Little Mermaid!"), so I put the movie in for her:

What a day!  We were home, pretty much only this morning and for our nap in the afternoon!  The rest of the day was spent elsewhere!  Both girls are now finally in bed, though, I've fed the dog and the fish, and now I'm ready for bed myself. 

Good night everyone!

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